Page 5 - Listen Sacha_English_Standard_Ebook Sample_8.11.2021_Neat
P. 5


                                                                 It’s pouring with rain. Pressing his nose

                                                             against the window, Sacha is looking at the rain

                                                             fall down heavily. He can’t even see the garden

                                                             because it’s too dark outside. Sacha is an eight-

                                                             year old boy who is spending the summer vaca-

                                                             tion with his grandmother. Usually, he plays in

                                                             the garden. But today, he has nothing to do.

                                                                 Sacha turns around. His grandmother is

            watching television. But Sacha doesn’t want to watch TV. He sighs out of boredom while sitting

            on the couch.

                Suddenly, he hears a slight noise behind him. It’s Kitty, his grandmother’s pet. Kitty is a

            beautiful, slender, black cat with big, green, almond-shaped eyes. Kitty perches gently behind

            his neck. She rests her legs around his shoul-

            ders, purring and sniffing the little boy’s ear.

            Sacha laughs:

                — Stop Kitty, your whiskers are tickling


                But Kitty continues to sniff. Suddenly, Sa-

            cha hears a murmur:

                — Sacha, are you bored?

                — What? You can talk?

                — What did you say, Sacha? his grandmother asks from afar.

                — Hush, hush! whispers the voice in his ear.

                — It’s me. It’s Kitty. Lie down, Sacha. Lie down and close your eyes...

                Sacha lies down. He rests his head on the sofa’s arm. Kitty sits next to him.

                — Kitty will tell you a story....

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