Page 8 - Listen Sacha_English_Standard_Ebook Sample_8.11.2021_Neat
P. 8


            off the ground. They went up in the air and were put down. Both of them passed out.

                When they woke up, they were at the house of Milady’s mistress. It was spring. All of the

            trees were in bloom. The sky was a beautiful azure blue.

                All their friends, the poet Joshua, Nathanaëlle the mole and Bossuet, the young basset

            waited for them. Small kittens laughed and roamed around them:

                — Mama! Papa!

                — Is that you, Jock? Milady asked.

                — Yes it’s me. Let’s go inside, he whispered.

                They went home, surrounded by their white kittens. All except for one, who had very curi-

            ous ears drooping slightly and spotted dog fur like a basset.

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